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NJ Chapter Committees

The following is our Executive Board and our Active Committees. Members are encouraged to get involved in our Chapter by contacting a Committee Chair to volunteer.

Executive Committee


Cynthia M. Lischick, Ph.D.  …President
Holly M. Friedland, Esq.  …President Elect

Ellen L. Koblitz, P.J.A.D. (Ret.)  ...Vice President
Denise A. Wennogle, Esq.  …Immediate Past President
Lynn B. Norcia, Esq.   …Secretary
Eileen Kohutis, Ph.D.   …Treasurer


Elle Barr, Esq.

Jenny Berse, Esq.

David Gomberg, Ph.D.
Barry Katz, Ph.D.

Elise Landry, Ph.D., Esq.
Joseph Racite, Ph.D.

Linda A. Schofel, Esq., LSCW
Tamsen Thorpe, Ph.D.

Chapter Council Representative

Holly M. Friedland, Esq.


Ron G. Silikovitz, Ph.D. (1999 - 2002) 

Philip N. Sobel, Esq. (2002 - 2007) 

Sharon Ryan Montgomery, Ph.D. (2007 - 2009)

Frank Weiss, Ph.D. (2009 - 2010)

Barbara Worth, Esq., Ph.D. (2010 - 2013)

Ann Scucci Ordway, Esq., Ph.D. (2013 - 2015)

Gregg Benson, MA, LCADC (2015 - 2017)

Amy Wechsler, Esq. (2017 - 2019)

Marcy Pasternak, Ph.D. (2019-2021)

Denise Wennogle, Esq. (2021-2023)

   Newsletter Committee (open)

Lynn B. Norcia, Esq.   …Chair

   Program Committee (closed)

Elise Landry, PhD, Esq.   …Chair

   Phil Sobel Award Committee (open)

Ron G. Silikovitz, Ph.D.   …Co-Chair

Barbara S. Worth, Esq., Ph.D.   Co-Chair

   Bylaws Committee (closed)

Ellen L. Koblitz, P.J.A.D. (Ret)   …Chair

AD HOC Committees

   Legislative Regulatory Committee

David Gomberg, Ph.D.  …Chair

   Parenting Coordination Committee

Linda A. Schofel, Esq., LSCW     …Co-Chair

Amy Wechsler, Esq.   Co-Chair

   Website Committee

Holly M. Friedland, Esq.   …Chair

   Nominating Committee (closed)

David Gomberg, Phd   …Chair

   Membership Committee (open)

Tamsen Thorpe, Ph.D.   …Chair

Official Committees of

Domestic Violence and the
Safety of Children Taskforce

Cynthia M. Lischick, PhD, LPC, DVS …Chair

©2021. All Rights Reserved.

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