NJ-AFCC is an interdisciplinary association of mental health and legal professionals, mediators and academics dedicated to improving the lives of children and families through the resolution of family conflict.
Welcome to the New Jersey Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
The Purpose of NJ‑AFCC:
Reduce the damage to family members involved in family and custody disputes.
Improve the long term prognosis for the mental health and well-being of children and adults involved in family disputes.
Reduce the stress on professionals who work with families engaged in custody disputes.
Improve communication and cooperation among the professional groups working with families in conflict.
Our Mission Statement
To facilitate inter-professional communication and collaboration in order to reveal, understand, and educate about the dynamics of the relationships that comprise the legal process by which families are reorganized in divorce, crisis and conflict, such that these transitions become an opportunity for personal growth, closure and healing, focusing on the best possible outcomes for children.
Ways to get started with us now:
Learn more about Membership
Online registration is not yet an option, but you can print out a membership application form to join NJ‑AFCC.
Discover Meetings & Events
Meetings and Events are posted online here with times and locations.
Executive Board and Committees
List of executive board and committee chairs. Members may contact a committee chair to join a committee.
Relevant Links
Links to other sites and information.
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